Square Watermelons and Red Cars

Square Watermelons and Red Cars

I can’t remember the last time I was this fired up after listening to a talk.

I met Hudson Byblow a year ago when he picked me up at the Saskatoon airport in Saskatchewan, Canada, to drive me to remote town where I was teaching a course for a few days. He told me a little bit about how his homosexual and transgender inclinations led him to, what was for him, the most unexpected place: the heart of the Catholic Church.

Recently Hudson sent me a link to a talk he gave that shared his story in more detail. Here’s the email I sent him in return:


I needed to tell you how deeply, deeply moved I am hearing your story. What an amazing work of grace that has unfolded in your life!!

I am not one to flatter: you have a very rare gift of communication…

  • Your immediate respect for your audience and for the delicateness of the topic is entirely evident.
  • You have a lightness with very heavy subject matter (this allows people to be at ease and enter in, when they might otherwise put up walls).
  • Your humor is great and, again, very disarming (I was laughing out loud a couple times).
  • Your analogies and imagery are excellent and very insightful! (the red car and the square watermelon analogies were superb!).
  • Use of visuals — even though I couldn’t see them, I could tell they were put to great use.
  • Your insights are keen, both into your own journey, and what is at stake in the wider culture.
Hudson, I’m telling you, I was deeply, deeply moved by the POWER of the truth you spoke. It was apocalyptic in the sense of “revealing” and “unveiling” the lies that are keeping people in chains, unmasking deceptions and opening the way for the Bridegroom to come in all his redeeming power…

I found myself shouting out loud at different points: “YES!!” and “YOU GO, HUDSON!!” and at another point a full-throated Braveheart “FREEEEDOOOM!”

Then I entered into deep prayer for the world, for you and your protection (the enemy does not want you to get this out there), and for how I might be of service in helping you.

In answer to that last question, I do not know, but I want to be. Please continue to keep me in the loop on what the Lord is putting on your heart. If I can be, I am at your service.

As you said, all glory is the Lord’s, but know this: he is shining his glory through YOU!!

Your brother,

I share this with you to encourage you to listen to this talk. How desperately we are in need of clear, articulate voices that can speak with credibility into the life-destroying lies our culture is promoting today!

Hudson Byblow is one of those voices: click here to listen to his testimony.