Our logo incorporates the sacred symbols of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom St. John Paul II declared “Star of the New Evangelization”.
The stars and flowers symbolize the marriage of heaven and earth while their coming together forms a shape common in sacred iconography called a mandorla (Italian for “almond”), which also symbolizes the marriage of the divine and the human consummated in “the bridal chamber” of Mary’s womb (St. Augustine).
The circle itself represents the Infinite while the blue color of the flowers and sky references the Romantics’ symbol of creation’s longing.
Finally — in keeping with the message of Guadalupe — the large flower symbolizes the flourishing of a culture whose people have opened their longing to God.
Designed by Jacob Popčak, this logo beautifully sums up the work and mission of the Theology of the Body Institute:
To help men and women realize how their bodies, along with all of creation, proclaim, reveal, and invite them to participate in the fulfillment of their deepest longings — the marriage of heaven and earth revealed in the womb of Mary, Star of the New Evangelization.