
03sepAll Day13Italy Pilgrimage with Christopher West, Jason Clark

13sep7:00 pmTheology of The Body Conference in Jacksonville, FL 

16sepAll Day27ONLINE - Theology of the Body and the New EvangelizationWith Christopher West


01oct7:00 pm9:00 pmMade For More - Augusta, GA

02oct7:00 pm9:00 pmMade For More - Union, KY

06octAll Day11Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Bill Donaghy

14octAll Day25ONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West

25oct7:00 pmColombia Tour


03nov(nov 3)5:00 pm08(nov 8)12:00 pmLove and ResponsibilityWith Christopher West & Jeanette Clark

04novAll Day15ONLINE - Theology of the Body & the Way of BeautyWith Bill Donaghy

19nov7:00 pmMade for More Mexico


05jan(jan 5)5:00 pm10(jan 10)12:00 pmTheology of the Body & the Marian MysteryWith Christopher West

13janAll Day24ONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West

19jan(jan 19)3:00 pm24(jan 24)1:00 pmWritings of John Paul II - Sydney, AUSWith Bill Donaghy


10febAll Day21ONLINE - Theology of the Body & the Marian Mysterywith Christopher West


03marAll Day14ONLINE - Theology of the Body 2: Into the DeepWith Christopher West

09mar(mar 9)4:00 pm14(mar 14)12:00 pmSexual Integration and RedemptionWith Desert Stream Ministries


07aprAll Day18ONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West


05mayAll Day16ONLINE Catholic Sexual Ethicswith Fr. Joe Koopman


15junAll Day20Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West

30junAll Day11julONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West


30junAll Day11julONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West

13jul(jul 13)4:00 pm18(jul 18)12:00 pmTheology of the Body and the New EvangelizationWith Christopher West


03augAll Day08Poets for the Kingdom: The Sacramental Stories of Lewis and TolkienWith Bill Donaghy

Bring Theology of the
Body to You


The Theology of the Body Institute provides a wide variety of onsite programs and live events tailored to meet your specific needs (in both English and Spanish).  Our premier event is called “Made for More” and offers an evening of visual beauty, live music, and dynamic presentation that is sure to open your heart and your senses to the secret of God revealed in all of creation, especially our creation as male and female.