
The Rosary and the Theology of the Body

The Rosary and the Theology of the Body

Many who are familiar with Theology of the Body (TOB) know that St. John Paul II identified the problem with the modern world as a fundamental lack of understanding of the meaning and purpose of the human person. Said differently, if we don’t know who we are and why...

Those Distant Stars: God & Same-Sex Desires

Those Distant Stars: God & Same-Sex Desires

The distinction between “attraction” and “desire” can seem like mere semantics, but it represents a philosophical difference impacting both personal perception and pastoral approaches.

Encouragement for a Single Woman Yearning for Marriage

Encouragement for a Single Woman Yearning for Marriage

I received this heartfelt question from a 33-year-old single woman whose life has been transformed by Theology of the Body. She writes: "After a very painful break up at 25, I started learning about TOB teachings through your books and other sources because I felt...

Three Thoughts That Have Changed My Life

Three Thoughts That Have Changed My Life

I was asked not long ago to share what I thought might be the three most powerful thoughts to come from a study of Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body (a series of biblical reflections written by the late St. John Paul II, called "one of the boldest...

Holy Friendship in a Hypersexualized World

Holy Friendship in a Hypersexualized World

A wonderful article appeared in The Federalist a few years back by D.C. McAllister titled “How To Stop Sexualizing Everything.” It tapped into the schizophrenic character of our modern age, particularly in American culture, that surrounds our expressions of intimacy....