
TOB Institute 2019 Highlights

TOB Institute 2019 Highlights

What a year for the Theology of the Body Institute! We are excited to share with you major highlights of our 2019, which were made possible thanks to your prayers and financial support

The Smells of Christmas

The Smells of Christmas

A Culture of the Image
Ahh, the smells of Christmas…. The fresh pine-scent of trees and wreaths; the ham baking; the cookies cooling; the cinnamon and nutmeg wafting from ovens and eggnog; and the rank scent of fresh, steaming manure … What!? [record screeeeech!!]

Wrapped For Advent

Wrapped For Advent

Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever: wrapped in the cloak of justice from God, bear on your head the mitre that displays the glory of the eternal name. - Baruch 5:1-9 When I was young, I remember visiting...

Cradled by God

Cradled by God

So frequently I cradle my phone. I just can’t seem to get away from it and have so many excuses, said and unsaid, as to why I cannot do so. My phone has my calendar and email which I can so easily access as I am on the go; you know... the busy work of ministry....

Fulton Sheen, TOB and the New Evangelization

Fulton Sheen, TOB and the New Evangelization

[NOTE: This is the second of a two-part reflection. Click here for part one.] The beatification of Fulton J. Sheen pending, the proposed feast day of December 9 would be a day which Catholic Americans will be asked to contemplate the wisdom of the Church that has...

Liturgical New Year’s Resolutions

Liturgical New Year’s Resolutions

At the end of this month we’ll celebrate New Year’s Eve and then, of course, New Year’s Day. For the Church, however, the new year has already begun with the first Sunday of Advent. The liturgical calendar is something we often take for granted, but with a little more...

Thanksgiving: A Eucharistic Celebration

Thanksgiving: A Eucharistic Celebration

Happy Thanksgiving! How fitting it is that we set aside this day each year to give thanks to God for his many blessings. Here I’d like to reflect on the deeper meaning of “thanksgiving” and offer some things to chew on beyond turkey and pumpkin pie. Consider that our...

Save the Date: 2020 International TOB Congress Oct. 30-Nov. 1

Save the Date: 2020 International TOB Congress Oct. 30-Nov. 1

Some of the foremost Theology of the Body (TOB) experts and enthusiasts from around the world will converge in Cleveland, Ohio, from Oct. 30-Nov. 1 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown for the 4th International Theology of the Body Congress hosted by the Theology of the Body Institute.