
Why the Body Matters​

Why the Body Matters​

Recently, an audience member at one of my Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET) talks approached me afterward for advice for a female friend transitioning to a “man.” She mostly wanted to express her grief about this friend who had already made up her mind...

Soul Meets Body

Soul Meets Body

The wounds of an earthly father can change our view of the Heavenly Father. The sins of a school master can alter our knowing the love of the Divine Master.

Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow

“Why are there so many songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side?”- Kermit the Frog In the summer of 2014, President Barack Obama, by virtue of the power of his office, declared June to henceforth be known as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride...

Surprised by the Joy of the Lord

Surprised by the Joy of the Lord

It’s a funny thing about the joy of the Lord: He wants us to fling our hearts wide open to Him. But some days all we can manage is a hairline crack. And He’s willing to use even that to surprise us with His joy when we least expect or deserve it.