Divine Mercy University

Theology of the Body Institute
and Divine Mercy University Partnership
The Theology of the Body Institute is excited to announce a partnership with Divine Mercy University in Arlington, Virginia. Divine Mercy University (DMU) is a Catholic graduate school of psychology and counseling, founded in 1999 as the Institute for the Psychological Sciences. The University is dedicated to the scientific study of psychology with a Catholic understanding of the person, marriage and the family. The University offers Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctoral (Psy.D.) degrees in Clinical Psychology, a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Psychology and a Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling.
Students of the Theology of the Body Institute can earn tuition reduction for DMU online and campus based degree programs, as well as online Certificate programs. This is a tremendous opportunity for TOBI students further their studies and bring TOB into the fields of Psychological Sciences and Counseling.
For more information, or to enroll, please click HERE or contact admissions at Divine Mercy University at 703-416-1441. Be sure to mention you are a Theology of the Body Institute student to receive the tuition reduction!