Liturgical New Year’s Resolutions
Liturgical New Year’s Resolutions

At the end of this month we’ll celebrate New Year’s Eve and then, of course, New Year’s Day. For the Church, however, the new year has already begun with the first Sunday of Advent.
The liturgical calendar is something we often take for granted, but with a little more awareness it can become a powerful way of living the theology of our bodies. The rhythms of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time, and all the annual feast days mark our day-to-day lives with the sign of Christ – if we let them.
Every new year, as we enter these rhythms, we have the opportunity to let the mystery of time become his-story of time.
I’m making a Liturgical New Year’s resolution to seek a deeper attentiveness to the Church’s annual rhythms. How ‘bout you? What will your Liturgical New Year’s resolution be?