Philosophy of
Pope Saint John Paul II
This course presents a tour of the pre-papal thought of John Paul II paying particular attention to his philosophical project of linking the subjective and objective world views. It will examine the themes of his dissertations, poetry, lectures as a professor, his contribution to the Second Vatican Council, and his books, placing the TOB in the context of his life’s work.

Peter Colosi, ph.d.
Dr. Peter Colosi is assistant professor of philosophy at Salve Regina University in Newport RI. From 2009 – 2015 he was assistant/associate professor of moral theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, PA. From 1999 – 2007 he was instructor/assistant professor of philosophy for Franciscan University of Steubenville at their program in Gaming, Austria. He earned his BS in mathematics from Franciscan University, an MA in Franciscan Studies from St. Bonaventure University, and his M.Phil and Ph.D from the International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Since 2007 he has been organizing, with friends in Europe, a series of International Symposia on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. There have been 4 Symposia thus far, in Austria, Ireland, England and Portugal. All of the Symposia talks can be viewed here. Dr. Colosi is a recipient of the Theology of the Body Institute Award for this international work in spreading knowledge of Theology of the Body.