Course Calendar Current MonthApril 07aprAll Day18ONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West 21aprAll Day02mayEn Linea - Teologia Del Cuerpo 1: Inmersion De Mente Y CorazonCon Christopher WestMay 05mayAll Day16ONLINE Catholic Sexual Ethicswith Fr. Joe KoopmanJuneBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 15junAll Day20Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher West 30junAll Day11julONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher WestJulyBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 13jul(jul 13)4:00 pm18(jul 18)12:00 pmTheology of the Body and the New EvangelizationWith Christopher WestAugustBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 03augAll Day08Poets for the Kingdom: The Sacramental Stories of Lewis and TolkienWith Bill Donaghy 11augAll Day22ONLINE - Theology of the Body 2: Into the DeepWith Christopher WestSeptember 08sepAll Day19ONLINE - Love & ResponsibilityWith Christopher West & Jeanette ClarkOctoberBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 05octAll Day10Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Bill Donaghy 13octAll Day24ONLINE - Theology of the Body 1: Head and Heart ImmersionWith Christopher WestNovemberBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 02nov(nov 2)5:00 pm07(nov 7)12:00 pmLove and ResponsibilityWith Christopher West & Jeanette Clark 03novAll Day14ONLINE - Theology of the Body and the New EvangelizationWith Christopher WestDecember 08dec(dec 8)12:01 am19(dec 19)11:59 pmONLINE Writings of St. John Paul II on Gender, Marriage and FamilyWith Bill DonaghyJanuaryBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 04jan(jan 4)4:00 pm09(jan 9)1:00 pmWritings of St. John Paul II on Gender, Marriage and FamilyWith Bill DonaghyFebruaryBlack Rock Retreat Center1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566 08feb(feb 8)4:00 pm13(feb 13)12:00 pmSexual Integration and RedemptionWith Desert Stream Ministries ShareTweetEmail0 Shares