Save the Date: 2020 International TOB Congress Oct. 30-Nov. 1
Save the Date: 2020 International TOB Congress Oct. 30-Nov. 1

Theology of the Body Institute to host Fourth International Theology of the Body Congress Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2020
To be held at Hilton Cleveland Downtown

PHILADELPHIA. Some of the foremost Theology of the Body (TOB) experts and enthusiasts from around the world will converge in Cleveland, Ohio, from Oct. 30-Nov. 1 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown for the 4th International Theology of the Body Congress hosted by the Theology of the Body Institute.
The theme, “That We Might Have Sight,” will explore the beauty and power of TOB to bring healing and sight to the blindness of our modern culture, as well as our own hearts.
“TOB is all about SEEING the invisible through the visible,” said Christopher West, TOB Institute president and Congress keynote speaker. “Only the body, says St. John Paul II, is capable of making visible what is invisible. ‘That we might have sight’ expresses the very heart of Christ and his mission, and that sentiment is what guided St. John Paul II to give us the TOB.”
Leaders and enthusiasts from around the world will gather at this Congress with a humble and prayerful cry: “Lord, open our eyes that we might see the world and one another, and the current crises we face as you see!”
The Congress weekend will offer deeper encouragement, formation and affirmation that Theology of the Body really does take us to the heart of Christ and His love for His bride, the Church. The full speaker lineup will be announced soon. Sign up to receive updates, including the registration open date and other Congress details, at TOBCongress.com.